Poppies Painting

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Poppies Paintings Knowledge
A poppy is one of a group of a flowering plants belonging to the poppy family, many grown in gardens for their colorful flowers. All species of poppies are attractive and most are cultivated as ornamental plants.
Poppy flowers have 4 to 6 petals. Petals may be almost any color, and some have markings. Prior to blooming, the petals are crumpled in the bud, and as blooming finishes, the petals often lie flat before falling away. A whorl of stamens is in the center of the flower.
The pollen of the oriental poppy, Papaver orientale, is dark blue. The pollen of the field poppy or corn poppy (Papaver rhoeas) is dark blue to grey. Bees will use poppies as a pollen source.
Poppies belong to genera of Papaveraceae, which includes hundreds of species.

Poppies Painting Reproductions - Handmade Canvas Oil Paintings

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